Sunday, December 03, 2006

I Drive Car!

Thanksgiving at Papa's House!

Long time no post....

So they say no news is good news.......not here! We have had a rough 2 months. Audrey had a fall that fractured her skull... accidents happen but it is so scary. She is cutting teeth and had 2 ear has been crazy....

Friday, November 03, 2006

Makin Grandpa Proud! is bow i am a bow hunter!

Happy Halloween Princess!

After telling us she wanted to be a cowgirl then a bunny she decided on a princess.

Monday, September 18, 2006

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Morgan and Audrey Pictures!

We were in Ft Worth and I decided to get some pictures! Here they are. Next time Kaleigh is with us we are going to have some made of all three girls!

Saturday, June 24, 2006

New Pics of the girls!

Kaleigh will be 11 in one week morgan is 28 months and potty trained finally! Audrey is 4.5 months old!

Saturday, June 10, 2006

4 months old!

Audrey is 4 months old ont he 12th. She weighs 14 pounds and is 24 5/8" long. She is in the 75th percentile for her height and weight. She is growing so fast. My last baby is growing up!

Having Fun!

Swimming Fun!

Here's us at the pool.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Camo Girls!

Papa is in town working. He made it down to Cabella's on a rain out day. This is what he came home with along with some gummy bears! Morgan thought she was just too cute and big enough to hold her sister.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

All my Girls!

Aren't they so cute. Kaleigh is almost 11. Morgan just turned 2 and Audrey is 3 months old. I must be lucky because they are all so cute.

Sunday, May 07, 2006


Guess Morgan forgot she was supposed to be going to bed. Either that or she was lonely. This is what I found after she was in bed for like 30 mins.

How Cute am I?

I finally got to play with my toy that momo always tries to play with.

Summer Time!

Man was it hot! Momo played in her pool while mama washed her car.

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Getting bigger!

Little Audrey's getting bigger! She is looking more and more like her daddy daily!


So she likes her sister but when Audrey is getting too much attention she has her subtle ways to remind us she wants us too. Even though she may act like she doesn't need us. My mom says I was independant too like Morgan.

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Family Reunion and Easter all in one

So this last weekend we went to Jason's family reunion. It was a wonderful weekend. We spent the weekend at Maw Maw's and Morgan is truely a country girl. She loves to be outside and just run around. She got up early with Maw Maw and was her little shadow. Her and Kaleigh really like country living. While she was hunting for eggs she would stop and open them to see if they had chocolate candy in them. If they did she stopped and ate it if not she put it down and moved on. She also liked the confetti eggs; especially sisters when she got ahold of them in Maw Maw's kitchen. If the amount of dirt on you at the end of the day gauges the fun you had - she had a ton of fun.....

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wow - that really was Uncle Wandy!

Uncle Randy has an interview so he had to lose the mountain man look!

Here are the before and after shots.

I got caught!

I am supposed to be taking a nap - but I am so cute!

I'm am ready Grandpa!

Got my camo and I am ready!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

But I am the baby!

The pictures say it all.....isn't she so cute...even with her big girl panties....