Thursday, March 30, 2006

Wow - that really was Uncle Wandy!

Uncle Randy has an interview so he had to lose the mountain man look!

Here are the before and after shots.

I got caught!

I am supposed to be taking a nap - but I am so cute!

I'm am ready Grandpa!

Got my camo and I am ready!

Sunday, March 26, 2006

But I am the baby!

The pictures say it all.....isn't she so cute...even with her big girl panties....

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Look at me....

Already got the mad face big sister taught me.....

I will do what I want....

Already got the hands on her hips down pat....she was helping Daddy wash his truck...

Bath Time!

She is just too cute.....

Friday, March 24, 2006

Almost 6 Weeks old!

So it feels like 6 days ago not 6 weeks ago.....she is now cooing and playing a little but i think she got her daddy's sleeping gene....

Potty Time!

This is priceless.....she is catching up on the latest Celebrity Gossip. All I can say is atleast she is sitting on the potty. We are now in day 3 of potty training. Stickers are motivation for her. She is trying real hard she just realizes a second too late and leaves a pee trail.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

What little Angels!

I might be a little biast but I think they are the most adorable kids ever! Especially at nap time!

Friday, March 17, 2006

The Family Pictures!

Kaleigh and Morgan with a bronze elephant!
Morgan and Kody!
This is our monkeys looking at monkeys!!!

The birds!

Kaleigh decided to feed the birds! I learned last time not to go in the cage. I got the bird crap special!

The Zoo!!!

We had a great time! Stretch is this new baby giraffe! Morgan thought he was just so cute! We went to the zoo with the Wood's clan. We looked like the Brady bunch with 2 moms! it was funny!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Let's Play Randy!

Let's play Randy - but I pick what we play! What a good uncle princess!