Saturday, December 31, 2005

Almost 2006.....

All partied out!!!! She made it till 8:30pm. I hope mommy and daddy have room in our own bed. I guess it looks like Uncle Randy might be the only one in the house to make it till midnight. And thats only because he has to work.

Momo's Apartment

So just maybe she is a little spoiled - but with justification from Mimi! Audrey can use it too!!! I think its just mom's excuse to spoil them. As you see hear this is momo's apartment within the house. She like to bang the pots and pans around and bring you tea. She may just be a little chef!

Friday, December 30, 2005

Little Momo

I tell you what - kids can change in a week. Morgan's new favorite word is naked. I guess she has learned it because she is always running around naked when she gets out of her baths and I tell her to bring me her naked butt. So as I am trying to get ready this morning she wakes up only to tell me as I step out of the shower. - Mommy you naked. Thanks Morgan I was wondering. However, it is the cutest thing around. I am going to try and post some pictures of her little outfit today - PRECIOUS! The only word for her and her boots and jeans! She looked just like her mimi. We have also discovered that she has her mommys temper (poor girl) but her daddys patience. She really has no hope in the frustration department. Hope everyone has a great New Year we are staying home and trying to stay up till midnight. Morgan will probably be the only one who can make it.

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Cristmas Part 3

Wow did Santa do good! He got it right this year! Morgan wasn't interested in opening anything else at first. Then we brought on the boots! Wow they are pink - take a look! Kaleigh got a video camera and Vugo. So she can make home videos and watch them - she made out like a bandit too. Morgan also got a kitchen. As GG Norma says she has better pots and pans than I do. Morgan and Kaleigh also helped Mimi cook a good dinner. We had a great time. i am glad we brought the truck to Mimi and Papa's house - we might need a u-haul. Mimi is Christmas crazy!!!! But we are not complaining at all. Jason is excited because we got a whole new bedroom set with dark curtains. The first thing he said was so the room will be dark? It will be nice.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Christmas Part 2

We made it to Johnson City early this Christmas Eve morning! Thanks to Morgan for waking us up early. I really appreciate it. Maw maw made biscuits and sausage gravy. Then we opened presents. Kaleigh being the budding artist she is loved her presents. She got a nice art set in a nice wooden box. She has been drawing till now. Its time to prepare for lunch. She is trying her hand in the kitchen. Morgan got a big red wagon with a big bear. She loved it. She likes the whole ride experience. Now we just need to put a harness on Jane and teach her to pull Morgan around. Now Morgan is napping. Waiting till its time to eat. She needs lots of energy for that. All in all so far today has been wonderful. Tonight we are heading to Ft Worth to Mimi and Grandpa's. Can't wait for Santa tomorrow!!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005

Christmas Part 1 - Our House

You know they say after you get married and have kids Christmas turns into a nightmare. Well it does! We have 3 Christmas' this year. Thank god Dad doesn't live down here then we would have to fit in 4. Can you imagine. Well today we let the girls open their loot from us. That way we didnt' have to haul to and from Mimi's. Which I am sure they will get enough at Mimi's that we wouldn't be able to get it all back. Oh well it was early but the girls were more than happy to do it that way. Tomorrow we are going to Grandma Mary's in Johnson City for Christmas Part 2. We will eat a big lunch then head to Ft Worth. Santa will visit us there. Then home Sunday night. Wow! What a weekend. Here are some pics of the girls opening their presents tonight. You will see Morgan was into opening presents this year - she has the hang of it but gets distracted when its something she loves - such as the shoes her sister got her. Oh yeah don't mind the fat pregnant lady.

Sunday, December 11, 2005

Makin' Cookies!

Mamma's little helper! How sweet! We made gingerbread cookies to take to Elizabeth's. I hope all the kids like them. Uncle Randy sure does. He ate lots of them - hope he leaves some of them for daycare.

Uncle Bobo!

This is how Miss Morgan has been spending alot of her time the last week or so. Her Uncle Randy of as she says Bobo has been staying with us since he started his new job. Randy thought it would be all fun and games but he doesn't like the fact she likes to wake up early. Even on weekends. She hasn't got the whole sleeping in concept down yet! Believe me I bet about the time she does Audrey will be here to take over the morning shift. Its really funny everyday Randy comes in from work he gets a nice big greeting like she can't believe he came back again. Its really sweet!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Lights Spectacular!

We went to Johnson City to see the parade and the lights! Daddy and M0rgan had a frit0 pie and funnel cake. then we went to PEC and took a great picture under the lighted trees with Mimi.
Doesn't the courthouse look beautiful!

Thanksgiving !

Yum Yum! We went to Johnson City. Grandma made WONDERFUL gravy. Morgan had her own bowl and thought it was better on her fingers than her bread. Grandma's stuffing was the best we ever had. the dogs were glad Morgan was there. They got a lot of turkey from her. Overall it was a wonderful, relaxing day!

Country Girl At Heart!

Maggie decided to take a bath in Grandmas (or Maw maw as Morgan says) water garden. Morgan decided to help her. Morgan loves being in Johnson City. She runs around and gets filthy! But She's dog tired when we head home.

The Park!

I Love the park! Once we get there we don't leave for awhile! Forget the swings. Don't even try and put Morgan in one!

Already know what the ATM is!

At Mimi's we went to the museum. I found the ATM car and didn't want to leave it until I found the grocery store! of course when Mimi brought me home I had my own grocery cart!

These boots are made for walkin'!

Thanks Krysta! Morgan loves her boots. She even tried to sleep in them.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Kaleigh's Art Contest

Well here she is growing up way too fast for me! Kaleigh won 1st place at her school and 2nd place in district for her drawing of her and her puppies at our house. She did an amazing job. I swear all my kids have more artistic talent than they know what to do with. Great job KK!

Halloween 2005

This was Halloween 2005. It seems Tinker Bell really liked the suckers that she received. And Daddy really like all the chocolates she didn't like. So I guess you can say they both won!

Where was 2005?

I am so lost. I cannot believe that 2005 is almost over. We are getting ready for Miss Audrey's arrival into the world. Morgan doesn't know what she is in for yet! It shall be an interesting first part of 2006. I think Morgan will handle it ok. She might not like sharing her Mimi. Hopefully she will adjust easy. Looks like now she will have Bobo around more often! Yeah! We are all very excited to have Bobo come and stay with us until he gets on his feet in Austin. I think Jason will be happy now he is not the only male in the house. I am going to try and get some pictures up tonight for everyone to see my little angel morph into a toddler. I can't even believe how much she has changed in one year. I hope this blog will help keep everyone up to date with our family. Hope everyone has a happy holiday!