Sunday, December 25, 2005

Cristmas Part 3

Wow did Santa do good! He got it right this year! Morgan wasn't interested in opening anything else at first. Then we brought on the boots! Wow they are pink - take a look! Kaleigh got a video camera and Vugo. So she can make home videos and watch them - she made out like a bandit too. Morgan also got a kitchen. As GG Norma says she has better pots and pans than I do. Morgan and Kaleigh also helped Mimi cook a good dinner. We had a great time. i am glad we brought the truck to Mimi and Papa's house - we might need a u-haul. Mimi is Christmas crazy!!!! But we are not complaining at all. Jason is excited because we got a whole new bedroom set with dark curtains. The first thing he said was so the room will be dark? It will be nice.

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