Monday, January 16, 2006

My Doctors have lost their ever loving mind!

On January 6th Audrey weighed 5lbs. not bad. She is measuring about 10 days ahead of her due date. So then when I went to the OB on Friday the 13th - they said ok we will schedule your c-section for the week of February 20th. Are you kidding me? There is no way this child will stay in until then. There are 2 days that are off limits to scheduling so will will see what they come up with. Morgan came earlier than her due date by 7 days. I just hope that I don't go into labor before the scheduled date. Labor sucks.....believe me after 13 hour with Morgan and only 4 of them with an epidural. I don't want to do that again. Otherwise Miss Audrey is doing wonderful flips and cartwheels all night long. And yes we verified again last week - its still a girl. So keep checking back and we will keep you posted on when the doctor say we can take her.

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