Friday, December 30, 2005

Little Momo

I tell you what - kids can change in a week. Morgan's new favorite word is naked. I guess she has learned it because she is always running around naked when she gets out of her baths and I tell her to bring me her naked butt. So as I am trying to get ready this morning she wakes up only to tell me as I step out of the shower. - Mommy you naked. Thanks Morgan I was wondering. However, it is the cutest thing around. I am going to try and post some pictures of her little outfit today - PRECIOUS! The only word for her and her boots and jeans! She looked just like her mimi. We have also discovered that she has her mommys temper (poor girl) but her daddys patience. She really has no hope in the frustration department. Hope everyone has a great New Year we are staying home and trying to stay up till midnight. Morgan will probably be the only one who can make it.

1 comment:

The Moreland's said...

Mom did not make it. I was the only one that made it! Haha!